- Get from 153 to 164 Ratebeer countries [Goal reached 2017-10-22]
- Helped by trades as usual, I managed to get to 167 countries with one in the basement. Still not in the top-10 though, but in 16th place.
- Get from 6 to 8 Canadian Provinces
- Trade still not completed, hopefully will manage next year...
- Get a top-50 beer rating from the last eight styles [Current status: 11]
- Went from eight to eleven as some dropped out or had the style changed. This one is more difficult than I thought...
- Reduce styles I have tried less than 5 beers from 5 to 0 [Current status: 2]
- Did pretty well, but still two left (Unblended and Faro) at four.
- Reduce styles I have tried less than 10 beers from 10 to 5 [Goal reached 2017-09-29]
- Managed to reach this goal, and got down to four. Happy with that.
- Get from 664 to 1000 RB posts [Goal reached 2017-04-13]
- Managed to get to 1364 before they switched to the new forums. On the new forums I reached 134 replies and 4 topics created, so pretty active year.
- Get from 905 to 1000 breweries [Goal reached 2017-07-14]
- Crushed this one and ended up with 1084 breweries.
- Get from 288 to 320 Swiss ratings [Goal reached 2017-07-21]
- This one ended up being quite easy, and ended up with 345 Swiss ratings
- Get from 78 to 100 Swiss breweries [Goal reached 2017-07-22]
- Took a bit of a hunt, but ended up with 109 Swiss breweries.
Some other minor country related goals:
- Increase countries with 50+ ratings from 9 to 10 [Goal reached 2017-03-24]
- Increase countries with 10+ ratings from 23 to 30 [Current status: 28]
- Increase countries with 5+ ratings from 34 to 40 [Current status: 39]
- Increase countries with 2+ ratings from 79 to 85 [Goal reached 2017-06-23]
The two X-or-less goals were not helped by the introduction of a new style, India Style Lager, in April 2017. I had only tried three of this new style, so had to get seven more of those as well.
I also managed two of the four "minor country related goals". It could have been three as I had enough Northern Ireland beers to get up to five, but then I got sick over Christmas. I am especially happy with getting 2+ countries from 79 to 90
I also managed two of the four "minor country related goals". It could have been three as I had enough Northern Ireland beers to get up to five, but then I got sick over Christmas. I am especially happy with getting 2+ countries from 79 to 90