- Name: Heerlijk Pale Ale, 5.4%, Germany
- Appearance: Light to medium golden, mostly clear. Small, white head.
- Aroma: Tropical fruits, good hops.
- Taste: Medium fruits, tropical fruits. Good amount of hops. Decent, lingering bitterness.
- Bought: Upper Glass (Mannheim), 330 ml, €3.69
- Score: 3.6 (Aroma 7/10, Appearance 3/5, Taste 8/10, Palate 3/5, Overall 15/20)
- Info: 31/10-2024, BB: 31/3-2025
Thursday, 31 October 2024
Heerlijk Pale Ale
Landgang Schwanensee Alsterwasser
- Name: Landgang Schwanensee Alsterwasser, 3%, Germany
- Appearance: Pale yellow golden, slight haze. Small, fizzy off-white head.
- Aroma: Mostly lemon, some beer notes.
- Taste: Lemon, light fruits. Some beer flavours underneath.
- Bought: Upper Glass (Mannheim), 330 ml, €2.99
- Score: 2.9 (Aroma 6/10, Appearance 3/5, Taste 6/10, Palate 3/5, Overall 11/20)
- Info: 31/10-2024, BB: 1/12-2024
Friday, 25 October 2024
Wolff Brewing Holy Abstinence
- Name: Wolff Brewing Holy Abstinence, 8%, Luxembourg
- Appearance: Light brown, hazy. Big off-white head.
- Aroma: Spices, pale malt, light caramel. Sweet fruits.
- Taste: Medium fruits, some pale malt and spices. Sweet.
- Bought: Monoprix (Luxembourg City), 330 ml, €2.80
- Score: 3.6 (Aroma 7/10, Appearance 3/5, Taste 8/10, Palate 3/5, Overall 15/20)
- Info: 25/10-2024, BB: ??/??-????
Thursday, 24 October 2024
Brixius Boenk!
New brewery:
- Name: Brixius Boenk!, 10.5%, Belgium
- Appearance: Medium golden. Huge white head.
- Aroma: Honey, spices, Belgian yeast.
- Taste: Pale malt, Belgian yeast, spices. Some decent fruitiness going on.
- Bought: Galerie FRITS (Antwerp), 330 ml, €3.75
- Score: 3.4 (Aroma 7/10, Appearance 3/5, Taste 7/10, Palate 3/5, Overall 14/20)
- Info: 24/10-2024, BB: 28/2-2025
Vissenberg Viswijf
New brewery, brewery #1810 (2024 goal reached!):
- Name: Vissenberg Viswijf, 7.5%, Belgium
- Appearance: Medium golden, hazy. Small to medium white head.
- Aroma: Light fruits, spices. Belgian yeast.
- Taste: Medium fruits, Belgian yeast. Spices and some honey.
- Bought: Galerie FRITS (Antwerp), 330 ml, €?.??
- Score: 3.4 (Aroma 7/10, Appearance 3/5, Taste 7/10, Palate 3/5, Overall 14/20)
- Info: 24/10-2024, BB: 30/4-2026
Wednesday, 23 October 2024
Dubuisson Bush Triple Blonde
- Name: Dubuisson Bush Triple Blonde, 10.5%, Belgium
- Appearance: Medium golden, clear. Small, white head.
- Aroma: Spices, fruits, pale malt, yeast.
- Taste: Medium fruits, Belgian yeast. Pale malt, spices. Banana?
- Bought: Pairi Daiza, 330 ml, €5.30
- Score: 3.6 (Aroma 7/10, Appearance 3/5, Taste 8/10, Palate 3/5, Overall 15/20)
- Info: 23/10-2024, BB: 9/10-2025
Dubuisson Cuvée des Trolls
- Name: Dubuisson Cuvée des Trolls, 7%, Belgium
- Appearance: Medium blond, hazy. Big, white head.
- Aroma: Pale malt, spices, light fruits.
- Taste: Light fruits, honey sweetness. Pale malt, Belgian yeast. Spices.
- Bought: Pairi Daiza, 330 ml, €5.00
- Score: 3.3 (Aroma 7/10, Appearance 3/5, Taste 7/10, Palate 3/5, Overall 13/20)
- Info: 23/10-2024, BB: 1/2-2026
Tuesday, 22 October 2024
Tall Poppy Bones Help Nobody
Saison / Farmhouse - Dark #6, new brewery:
- Name: Tall Poppy Bones Help Nobody, 8%, Belgium
- Appearance: Brewed 24/10-2021. Dark brown, tiny light tan head.
- Aroma: Dark fruits, prunes. Some malt and earthy.
- Taste: Dark, tart fruits. Some malt, warming. Tart aftertaste.
- Bought: Galerie FRITS (Antwerp), 330 ml, €?.??
- Score: 3.1 (Aroma 6/10, Appearance 3/5, Taste 6/10, Palate 3/5, Overall 13/20)
- Info: 22/10-2024, BB: 31/10-2025
Vleesmeester Stoute Proost
New brewery, Belgian beer #300:
- Name: Vleesmeester Stoute Proost, 10%, Belgium
- Appearance: Very dark brown, near black. Big, dark tan head.
- Aroma: Dark malt, well roasted. Chocolate. Hint of dark fruits.
- Taste: Very dark malt, heavily roasted. Coffee and chocolate notes. Warming.
- Bought: Café Pardaf (Antwerp), 250 ml tap, €6.50
- Score: 4.1 (Aroma 8/10, Appearance 4/5, Taste 8/10, Palate 4/5, Overall 17/20)
- Info: 22/10-2024
Struise Robert the Great
- Name: Struise Robert the Great, 10.5%, Belgium
- Appearance: Very dark brown, near black. Small, tan head.
- Aroma: Dark malt, roasted. Dark fruits, cherry?
- Taste: Dark malt, nicely roasted. Dark fruits, slightly vinous. Cherry? Some Belgian yeast.
- Bought: Café Pardaf (Antwerp), 200 ml tap, €6.90
- Score: 3.9 (Aroma 8/10, Appearance 3/5, Taste 8/10, Palate 4/5, Overall 16/20)
- Info: 22/10-2024
Monday, 21 October 2024
Kettu Pumpkin Spice Porter
New brewery:
- Name: Kettu Pumpkin Spice Porter, 6.5%, Finland
- Appearance: Dark brown, fizzy light tan head.
- Aroma: Mostly candy sugar and pumpkin spice.
- Taste: Dark malt, candy sugar. Quite a bit of pumpkin spice.
- Bought: Galerie FRITS (Antwerp), 330 ml can, €4.75
- Score: 3.0 (Aroma 6/10, Appearance 3/5, Taste 6/10, Palate 3/5, Overall 12/20)
- Info: 21/10-2024, BB: ??/??-????
Perkament Bruin
New brewery:
- Name: Perkament Bruin, 9%, Belgium
- Appearance: Dark brown, nice medium dark head.
- Aroma: Dark malt, some dark caramel.
- Taste: Dark malt, brown sugar. Toasted. Dark caramel sweetness. Slight alcohol.
- Bought: Elfde Gebod (Antwerp), 330 ml, €5.99
- Score: 3.4 (Aroma 7/10, Appearance 3/5, Taste 7/10, Palate 3/5, Overall 14/20)
- Info: 21/10-2024, BB: ??/??-????
Kees / Mad Scientist Black Potion
- Name: Kees / Mad Scientist Black Potion, 13.8%, Netherlands
- Appearance: Dark brown. Small, tan head.
- Aroma: Dark fruits, vanilla, dark malt.
- Taste: Vanilla, dark fruits, dark malts. Cocoa. Roasted, but sweet. Some alcohol, warming.
- Bought: Billie's Bier Kafétaria (Antwerp), 100ml tap, €4.00
- Score: 3.8 (Aroma 8/10, Appearance 3/5, Taste 8/10, Palate 3/5, Overall 16/20)
- Info: 21/10-2024
Brew Your Mind Stereo Vision
New brewery:
- Name: Brew Your Mind Stereo Vision, 8%, Hungary
- Appearance: Medium golden, clear. Nice off-white head.
- Aroma: Light fruits, grapefruit. Lots of hops.
- Taste: Lots of hops, pine. Some fruits. Strong, lingering bitterness.
- Bought: Billie's Bier Kafétaria (Antwerp), 100ml tap, €4.00
- Score: 3.6 (Aroma 7/10, Appearance 3/5, Taste 8/10, Palate 3/5, Overall 15/20)
- Info: 21/10-2024
Caleya Body Snatchers
New brewery, new Spanish region, Asturias (10/19):
- Name: Caleya Body Snatchers, 6.6%, Spain
- Appearance: Light orange golden, hazy. Decent white head.
- Aroma: Light fruits, good hops.
- Taste: Good hops, decent tropical fruits. Nice bitterness. Pretty good.
- Bought: Billie's Bier Kafétaria (Antwerp), 100ml tap, €4.00
- Score: 3.3 (Aroma 7/10, Appearance 3/5, Taste 7/10, Palate 3/5, Overall 13/20)
- Info: 21/10-2024
Keesmann Bamberger Herren Pils
New brewery:
- Name: Keesmann Bamberger Herren Pils, 4.8%, Germany
- Appearance: Pale golden, small white head.
- Aroma: Very pale malt, light hops.
- Taste: Pale malt, light hops. Crisp.
- Bought: Billie's Bier Kafétaria (Antwerp), 100ml tap, €4.00
- Score: 3.1 (Aroma 6/10, Appearance 3/5, Taste 6/10, Palate 3/5, Overall 13/20)
- Info: 21/10-2024
Sunday, 20 October 2024
Heerlijk Helles Lagerbier
New brewery:
- Name: Heerlijk Helles Lagerbier, 4.8%, Germany
- Appearance: Medium to dark golden, clear. Small white head.
- Aroma: Pale malt, light hops. Honey.
- Taste: Pale malt, light hops. Light fruits. Some honey sweetness. Ok.
- Bought: Upper Glass (Mannheim), 330 ml, €3.69
- Score: 3.0 (Aroma 6/10, Appearance 3/5, Taste 6/10, Palate 3/5, Overall 12/20)
- Info: 20/10-2024, BB: 31/5-2025
Saturday, 19 October 2024
Schwarze Rose Santa Muerte
New brewery:
- Name: Schwarze Rose Santa Muerte, 10%, Germany
- Appearance: Very dark brown, near black. Small, tan head.
- Aroma: Cocoa, vanilla, dark malt.
- Taste: Dark malt, mildly roasted. Lots of vanilla, cocoa. Sweet. Pretty good.
- Bought: Brauquadrat (Mannheim), 100 ml tap, €3.50
- Score: 3.7 (Aroma 7/10, Appearance 3/5, Taste 8/10, Palate 3/5, Overall 16/20)
- Info: 19/10-2024
Brauquadrat Cowboy Candy
- Name: Brauquadrat Cowboy Candy, 6.8%, Germany
- Appearance: Pale golden, slight haze. Decent white head.
- Aroma: Exotic fruits, good hops.
- Taste: Nice juicy hops, decent fruits. Grapefruit. Low bitterness.
- Bought: Brauquadrat (Mannheim), 100 ml tap, €3.50
- Score: 3.4 (Aroma 7/10, Appearance 3/5, Taste 7/10, Palate 3/5, Overall 14/20)
- Info: 19/10-2024
Brauquadrat R6 (2024)
- Name: Brauquadrat R6 (2024), 6.4%, Germany
- Appearance: Pale golden, clear. Small white head.
- Aroma: Lots of fruits, clean hops.
- Taste: Good hops, lots of fruits. Exotic fruits. Low, lingering bitterness.
- Bought: Brauquadrat (Mannheim), 100 ml tap, €3.50
- Score: 3.6 (Aroma 7/10, Appearance 3/5, Taste 8/10, Palate 3/5, Overall 15/20)
- Info: 19/10-2024
Brauquadrat Rhein-Neckar Pils
New brewery:
- Name: Brauquadrat Rhein-Neckar Pils, 4.8%, Germany
- Appearance: Pale golden, clear. Small off-white head.
- Aroma: Light hops, floral. Grass.
- Taste: Light hops, floral, grass. Crisp. Good balance.
- Bought: Brauquadrat (Mannheim), 100 ml tap, €3.50
- Score: 3.4 (Aroma 7/10, Appearance 3/5, Taste 7/10, Palate 3/5, Overall 14/20)
- Info: 19/10-2024
Friday, 18 October 2024
la Spirale Sagittarius A*
- Name: la Spirale Sagittarius A*, 4.5%, Switzerland
- Appearance: Quite dark brown, seems clear. Small, dark tan head.
- Aroma: Dark malt, roasted. Dark chocolate.
- Taste: Dark malt, lightly roasted. Some dark chocolate. Nice and smooth.
- Bought: Mini-Marché Delémont, 330 ml, CHF 3.90
- Score: 3.6 (Aroma 7/10, Appearance 3/5, Taste 8/10, Palate 3/5, Overall 15/20)
- Info: 18/10-2024, BB: 31/7-2026
Friday, 11 October 2024
New CH/Bern brewery:
- Name: Zeer ZIPA, 0.3%, Switzerland
- Appearance: Pale golden, crystal clear. Quite big, frothy head.
- Aroma: Light fruits, grains.
- Taste: Light fruits, slight grains. Little to no bitterness. Dry.
- Bought: Drinks of the World (Luzern), 330 ml, CHF 4.50
- Score: 2.6 (Aroma 5/10, Appearance 3/5, Taste 5/10, Palate 3/5, Overall 10/20)
- Info: 11/10-2024, BB: 5/4-2025
Brewgooder New England IPA
New brewery:
- Name: Brewgooder New England IPA, 4.1%, Scotland
- Appearance: Pale yellow golden, slight haze. Small, off-white head.
- Aroma: Light fruits, exotic fruits. Slight hops.
- Taste: Light fruits, some grapefruit. Slight hops, low bitterness.
- Bought: Drinks of the World (Bern), 330 ml can, CHF 4.60
- Score: 3.3 (Aroma 7/10, Appearance 3/5, Taste 7/10, Palate 3/5, Overall 13/20)
- Info: 11/10-2024, BB: 31/12-2025
Saturday, 5 October 2024
Townsite Century Grove - Coffee Porter
New brewery:
- Name: Townsite Century Grove - Coffee Porter, 5.6%, Canada
- Appearance: Brewed 11/10-2023. Dark brown, seems clear. Decent, dark tan head.
- Aroma: Dark malt, roasted. Coffee.
- Taste: Dark malt, good amount of coffee. Roasted. Some dark chocolate. Good.
- Bought: Gift from JC - thanks!, 473 ml can
- Score: 3.4 (Aroma 7/10, Appearance 3/5, Taste 7/10, Palate 3/5, Overall 14/20)
- Info: 5/10-2024, BB: ??/??-????
FüBi Houzer-Kätti
- Name: FüBi Houzer-Kätti, 5.2%, Switzerland
- Appearance: Yellow golden, clear. Tiny, white head.
- Aroma: Light fruits, citrus. Palest malt. Slight cereal.
- Taste: Lemon, light fruits. Yeast, barn. Unbalanced.
- Bought: Brewery, 330 ml, CHF 3.67
- Score: 2.4 (Aroma 5/10, Appearance 2/5, Taste 5/10, Palate 2/5, Overall 10/20)
- Info: 5/10-2024, BB: 31/3-2025
Friday, 4 October 2024
Napf Napfgold Amber
- Name: Napf Napfgold Amber, 5.2%, Switzerland
- Appearance: Dark golden to light amber, clear. Huge creamy white head.
- Aroma: Pale malt, toasted, bread.
- Taste: Medium malt, some light caramel. Bread, slightly toasted.
- Bought: Coop (Bern Marktgasse), 330 ml, CHF 2.60
- Score: 3.1 (Aroma 6/10, Appearance 3/5, Taste 6/10, Palate 3/5, Overall 13/20)
- Info: 4/10-2024, BB: 25/2-2025
FüBi Märzen
- Name: FüBi Märzen, 4.6%, Switzerland
- Appearance: Medium orange to light brown. Murky. Small, off-white head.
- Aroma: Pale malt, lemon notes.
- Taste: Pale malt, some acidity. Off notes. Shame.
- Bought: Brewery, 330 ml, CHF 3.67
- Score: 2.4 (Aroma 5/10, Appearance 2/5, Taste 5/10, Palate 2/5, Overall 10/20)
- Info: 4/10-2024, BB: 31/12-2024
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