Wednesday 8 May 2024

Oedipus Thai Thai

Flavored - Chili / Peppers #7:
  • Name: Oedipus Thai Thai, 8%, Netherlands
  • Appearance: Medium golden, clear. Small, white head.
  • Aroma: Fruits, spices. Some Belgian yeast.
  • Taste: Quite a bit of spice, some medium malt. Belgian yeast. Just a hint of pepper.
  • Bought: Wittich, 330 ml, CHF 3.80
  • Score: 3.3 (Aroma 7/10, Appearance 3/5, Taste 7/10, Palate 3/5, Overall 13/20)
  • Info: 8/5-2024, BB: 10/7-2025

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