Saturday 29 June 2024

Rigamonti / Morobbiotta Birra Mater Belgian Strong Ale

  • Name: Rigamonti / Morobbiotta Birra Mater Belgian Strong Ale, 8.2%, Switzerland
  • Appearance: Light orange golden, hazy to murky. Decent, fizzy white head.
  • Aroma: Belgian yeast, light fruits.
  • Taste: Light fruits, some sweetness. Belgian yeast, dry end. Slight alcohol.
  • Bought: Swiss Italian Advent Calendar, 330 ml, CHF 4.17
  • Score: 3.3 (Aroma 7/10, Appearance 3/5, Taste 7/10, Palate 3/5, Overall 13/20)
  • Info: 29/6-2024, BB: 7/9-2024

Friday 28 June 2024

Brygghus 19 Galactic Boss

New brewery, new Swedish region, Blekinge (16/21):
  • Name: Brygghus 19 Galactic Boss, 10.0%, Sweden
  • Appearance: Very dark brown, near black. Small, dark tan head.
  • Aroma: Dark malt, dark chocolate. Roasted, some dark fruits.
  • Taste: Dark malt, some dark chocolate. Lightly roasted, some dark fruits. Some alcohol. Nice.
  • Bought: Trade with robline - thanks!, 473 ml can
  • Score: 3.8 (Aroma 8/10, Appearance 3/5, Taste 8/10, Palate 3/5, Overall 16/20)
  • Info: 28/6-2024, BB: ??/??-????

Saturday 22 June 2024

Cvikov Luž 10°

New brewery, new Czech region, Liberec Region (11/14):
  • Name: Cvikov Luž 10°, 4.2%, Czech Republic
  • Appearance: Pale golden, clear. Decent, fizzy off-white head.
  • Aroma: Light hops, pale malt. Cereal.
  • Taste: Pale malt, light hops. Some grains. Crisp.
  • Bought:, 330 ml, CHF 3.83
  • Score: 3.2 (Aroma 6/10, Appearance 3/5, Taste 7/10, Palate 3/5, Overall 13/20)
  • Info: 22/6-2024, BB: 27/8-2024

Friday 21 June 2024

BÜR Lööli Weizenbock

  • Name: BÜR Lööli Weizenbock, 5.9%, Switzerland
  • Appearance: Yellow golden, clear. Fizzy short-lived head.
  • Aroma: Wheat. Ripe, medium fruits. Sweet notes.
  • Taste: Medium fruits, ripe fruits. Some wheat, banana. Some sweetness. On the thin side.
  • Bought: Coop (Bern Marktgasse), 330 ml, CHF 3.10
  • Score: 3.2 (Aroma 6/10, Appearance 3/5, Taste 7/10, Palate 3/5, Overall 13/20)
  • Info: 21/6-2024, BB: 28/8-2024

Friday 14 June 2024

Tigoum / Lion Couchant Märzen

  • Name: Tigoum / Lion Couchant Märzen, 4.8%, Switzerland
  • Appearance: Light brown, clear. Fizzy. Good size white head.
  • Aroma: Pale malt, bread notes. Some yeast and spices.
  • Taste: Pale malt, some caramel. A bit of bread and spices.
  • Bought: Au Bon Moment, 330 ml, CHF 4.60
  • Score: 3.1 (Aroma 6/10, Appearance 3/5, Taste 6/10, Palate 3/5, Overall 13/20)
  • Info: 14/6-2024, BB: 31/7-2024

Saturday 8 June 2024

Rud Bir L’Agricola Parco del Piano

  • Name: Rud Bir L’Agricola Parco del Piano, 4.5%, Switzerland
  • Appearance: Pale yellow golden, clear. Small to medium white head.
  • Aroma: Light fruits, floral. Some hops and pale malt.
  • Taste: Clean hops, pale malt. Fruits and floral. Nice.
  • Bought: Swiss Italian Advent Calendar, 330 ml, CHF 4.17
  • Score: 2.9 (Aroma 6/10, Appearance 3/5, Taste 6/10, Palate 3/5, Overall 11/20)
  • Info: 8/6-2024, BB: 31/8-2024

Friday 7 June 2024 Tasso

  • Name: Tasso, 5.5%, Switzerland
  • Appearance: Light golden, clear. Big, frothy white head.
  • Aroma: Light fruits, yeast. Floral.
  • Taste: Light fruits, some hops. Floral. A bit of yeast, low bitterness.
  • Bought: Swiss Italian Advent Calendar, 330 ml, CHF 4.17
  • Score: 3.1 (Aroma 6/10, Appearance 3/5, Taste 6/10, Palate 3/5, Overall 13/20)
  • Info: 7/6-2024, BB: 27/8-2024

Saturday 1 June 2024

Rud Bir Amber

  • Name: Rud Bir Amber, 5%, Switzerland
  • Appearance: Light brown to amber. Slight haze. Small, off-white head.
  • Aroma: Red fruits, pale malt. Earthy.
  • Taste: Light to medium fruits, pale malt. Earthy. Decent.
  • Bought: Swiss Italian Advent Calendar, 330 ml, CHF 4.17
  • Score: 3.2 (Aroma 6/10, Appearance 3/5, Taste 7/10, Palate 3/5, Overall 13/20)
  • Info: 1/6-2024, BB: ??/??-????

le Pot des Cieux La Blonde

  • Name: le Pot des Cieux La Blonde, 5%, Switzerland
  • Appearance: Pale yellow golden, starting clear. Small, fizzy head.
  • Aroma: Light fruits, yeast, barn.
  • Taste: Light fruits, yeast, barn. Dry, slight sour notes.
  • Bought: Brewery, 330 ml, CHF 4.67
  • Score: 2.4 (Aroma 5/10, Appearance 2/5, Taste 5/10, Palate 2/5, Overall 10/20)
  • Info: 1/6-2024, BB: 10/5-2024

le Pot des Cieux La Weizen

  • Name: le Pot des Cieux La Weizen, 5%, Switzerland
  • Appearance: Yellow golden, starting clear. Fizzy, off-white head.
  • Aroma: Yeast, wheat, barn. Light fruits.
  • Taste: Wheat, yeast, citrus. Slight barn and sourness. Not very good.
  • Bought: Brewery, 330 ml, CHF 4.67
  • Score: 2.4 (Aroma 5/10, Appearance 2/5, Taste 5/10, Palate 2/5, Overall 10/20)
  • Info: 1/6-2024, BB: 24/6-2024