- Name: Popihn IPA Loral, 7.5%, France
- Appearance: Yellow, very hazy. Some white head.
- Aroma: Fruits, grapefruit, some hops. Citrus.
- Taste: Hops, resins, light fruits, citrus. Quite strong bitterness.
- Bought: qoqa.ch, 330 ml, CHF 5.17
- Score: 3.6 (Aroma 7/10, Appearance 3/5, Taste 8/10, Palate 3/5, Overall 15/20)
- Info: 31/7-2019, BB: 18/12-2019
Wednesday, 31 July 2019
Popihn IPA Loral
France #100:
Haut-Lac Turbine
New CH brewery:
- Name: Haut-Lac Turbine, 7%, Switzerland
- Appearance: Burnt orange, hazy. Some off-white head.
- Aroma: Herbs, some fruits, slight yeast.
- Taste: Some fruits, pale malt, cardboard. Dry, herbal.
- Bought: kibrasse.ch, 330 ml, CHF 5.60
- Score: 3.1 (Aroma 6/10, Appearance 3/5, Taste 6/10, Palate 3/5, Overall 13/20)
- Info: 31/7-2019, BB: 31/12-2020
Saturday, 27 July 2019
Popihn Russian Imperial Stout v.3
- Name: Popihn Russian Imperial Stout v.3, 11.6%, France
- Appearance: Very dark brown, looks almost oily. Tiny, dark tan head.
- Aroma: Dark malt, roasted, coffee notes. Slight barrel.
- Taste: Roasted, dark malt, some dark chocolate. Some barrel. Good complexity. Very nice.
- Bought: qoqa.ch, 330 ml, CHF 5.17
- Score: 3.9 (Aroma 7/10, Appearance 4/5, Taste 8/10, Palate 4/5, Overall 16/20)
- Info: 27/7-2019, BB: 18/3-2020
Dive Bär Saison Estivale
New CH brewery:
- Name: Dive Bär Saison Estivale, 6.3%, Switzerland
- Appearance: Pale yellow golden, hazy. Fizzy, some white head.
- Aroma: Light fruits, Belgian yeast.
- Taste: Light fruits, lots of Belgian yeast. Some flowers. Slight alcohol.
- Bought: kibrasse.ch, 330 ml, CHF 5.70
- Score: 3.3 (Aroma 7/10, Appearance 3/5, Taste 7/10, Palate 3/5, Overall 13/20)
- Info: 27/7-2019, BB: 22/5-2019
Friday, 26 July 2019
Popihn / LIC IPA (Citra / Cashmere)
- Name: Popihn / LIC IPA (Citra / Cashmere), 7.2%, France
- Appearance: Hazy yellow golden, small white head. Some sediments at the bottom of the bottle.
- Aroma: Lots of fruit, exotic fruits, grapefruit. Hops, resins, pine.
- Taste: Lots of fruit, grapefruit, pines. Good hops, lingering bitterness. Some juiciness.
- Bought: qoqa.ch, 330 ml, CHF 5.17
- Score: 3.8 (Aroma 8/10, Appearance 3/5, Taste 7/10, Palate 4/5, Overall 16/20)
- Info: 26/7-2019, BB: 6/12-2019
Lance-Pierre Lausanne-Goslar
Gose #10:
- Name: Lance-Pierre Lausanne-Goslar, 4.2%, Switzerland
- Appearance: Light orange, hazy. Lots of fizzy white head. Some sediments at the bottom of the bottle.
- Aroma: Light fruits, black pepper, some tartness.
- Taste: Light fruits. Slight lemon, a bit of tartness. Slight saltiness. Nice and refreshing.
- Bought: kibrasse.ch, 330 ml, CHF 5.30
- Score: 3.7 (Aroma 7/10, Appearance 3/5, Taste 8/10, Palate 4/5, Overall 15/20)
- Info: 26/7-2019, BB: ??/??-????
Saturday, 20 July 2019
Popihn Porter Cerises / Framboises
Porter - Flavored #5:
- Name: Popihn Porter Cerises / Framboises, 5.1%, France
- Appearance: Very dark brown, good amount of tan head.
- Aroma: Dark malt, chocolate, raspberry and cherries.
- Taste: Dark malt, lots of berries. Cherries and raspberries. Dry fruits. Slight tartness. Interesting.
- Bought: qoqa.ch, 330 ml, CHF 5.17
- Score: 3.7 (Aroma 8/10, Appearance 3/5, Taste 8/10, Palate 3/5, Overall 15/20)
- Info: 20/7-2019, BB: 8/5-2021
Popihn Hoppy Lager Mosaïc / Loral
New brewery, French brewery #50:
- Name: Popihn Hoppy Lager Mosaïc / Loral, 5.5%, France
- Appearance: Yellow golden, mostly clear. Small, white head.
- Aroma: Lots of fruits, exotic fruits, grapefruit. Some hops.
- Taste: Nice fruits, grapefruit, good hops. Pine, nice bitterness.
- Bought: qoqa.ch, 330 ml, CHF 5.17
- Score: 3.6 (Aroma 7/10, Appearance 3/5, Taste 8/10, Palate 3/5, Overall 15/20)
- Info: 20/7-2019, BB: 3/5-2020
Friday, 19 July 2019
BadFish Imperial Brown Ale Rum BA
Brown Ale - Imperial #3, new CH brewery:
- Name: BadFish Imperial Brown Ale Rum BA, 8.9%, Switzerland
- Appearance: Dark brown, seems clear. Some fizzy, dark tan head.
- Aroma: Dark malt, roasted. Lots of barrel.
- Taste: Dark malt, lots of barrel, roasted. Dryness, warming.
- Bought: kibrasse.ch, 330 ml, CHF 6.80
- Score: 3.8 (Aroma 7/10, Appearance 4/5, Taste 8/10, Palate 4/5, Overall 15/20)
- Info: 19/7-2019, BB: 28/2-2020
l'Improbable la Suricate Blonde
- Name: l'Improbable la Suricate Blonde, 4.8%, Switzerland
- Appearance: Light orange, very hazy. Some sediments. Good amount of white head.
- Aroma: Light fruits, quite a bit of yeast. Slight hips.
- Taste: Light fruits, some yeast, some grains. Dirt, slight sourness.
- Bought: kibrasse.ch, 330 ml, CHF 5.20
- Score: 3.1 (Aroma 6/10, Appearance 3/5, Taste 6/10, Palate 3/5, Overall 13/20)
- Info: 19/7-2019, BB: 21/9-2019
Saturday, 13 July 2019
Barfuss Black Monkey
New CH brewery:
- Name: Barfuss Black Monkey, 6.8%, Switzerland
- Appearance: Very dark brown, lots of dark tan head.
- Aroma: Dark malt, roasted, dark chocolate.
- Taste: Dark malt, lightly roasted. Some coffee and chocolate.
- Bought: Craftbrew.ch, 330 ml, CHF 4.80
- Score: 3.6 (Aroma 7/10, Appearance 3/5, Taste 8/10, Palate 3/5, Overall 15/20)
- Info: 13/7-2019, BB: 22/9-2019
O'Bled Moisson
New CH brewery:
- Name: O'Bled Moisson, 4.2%, Switzerland
- Appearance: Dark golden, quite hazy. Quite carbonated. Good amount of off-white head.
- Aroma: Light malt, grass and flowers, some hops.
- Taste: Light malt, some hops. A bit of grass, slight yeast.
- Bought: kibrasse.ch, 330 ml, CHF 5.70
- Score: 3.3 (Aroma 7/10, Appearance 3/5, Taste 7/10, Palate 3/5, Overall 13/20)
- Info: 13/7-2019, BB: 7/9-2019
Friday, 12 July 2019
l'Atelier la Malinoise
New CH brewery:
- Name: l'Atelier la Malinoise, 5%, Switzerland
- Appearance: Medium to dark brown, very hazy. Lots of light tan head.
- Aroma: Light malt, toasted. Sweetness.
- Taste: Medium malt, toasted, nutty. Some caramel sweetness.
- Bought: kibrasse.ch, 330 ml, CHF 5.50
- Score: 3.3 (Aroma 7/10, Appearance 3/5, Taste 7/10, Palate 3/5, Overall 13/20)
- Info: 12/7-2019, BB: 31/5-2019
WhiteFrontier FWT Session IPA
- Name: WhiteFrontier FWT Session IPA, 3.5%, Switzerland
- Appearance: Pale yellow golden, quite hazy. Good amount of off-white head.
- Aroma: Light fruits, lemony, slight hops.
- Taste: Light fruits, some yeast, slight lemon, refreshing. Some light hops. Hint of sweetness.
- Bought: Coop, 330 ml, CHF ?.??
- Score: 3.2 (Aroma 6/10, Appearance 3/5, Taste 7/10, Palate 3/5, Overall 13/20)
- Info: 12/7-2019, BB: 31/3-2020
Saturday, 6 July 2019
Ahoi Bier Knock Stout
New CH brewery:
- Name: Ahoi Bier Knock Stout, 4.6%, Switzerland
- Appearance: Very dark brown, seems clear. Tiny tan head.
- Aroma: Dark malt, roasted. Hint of coffee?
- Taste: Dark malt, slightly roasted. A bit light for a stout.
- Bought: Craftbrew.ch, 330 ml, CHF 5.20
- Score: 3.3 (Aroma 7/10, Appearance 3/5, Taste 7/10, Palate 3/5, Overall 13/20)
- Info: 6/7-2019, BB: 30/9-2019
Eisbock Noxx Illuminator Weizen Doppelbock
- Name: Eisbock Noxx Illuminator Weizen Doppelbock, 9.5%, Switzerland
- Appearance: Dark brown, red hue. Clear. Almost no head.
- Aroma: Dark fruits, ripe fruits. Sweetness.
- Taste: Dark fruits, ripe fruits, some pale malt. Fruity sweetness. Nice.
- Bought: Craftbrew.ch, 330 ml, CHF 8.30
- Score: 3.7 (Aroma 7/10, Appearance 3/5, Taste 8/10, Palate 4/5, Overall 15/20)
- Info: 6/7-2019, BB: 31/12-2019
Friday, 5 July 2019
Chen Van Loon 606 Bitter Ale
- Name: Chen Van Loon 606 Bitter Ale, 6.0%, Switzerland
- Appearance: Orange light brown, very hazy. Some off-white head.
- Aroma: Light fruits, grapefruit, good hops. Resins.
- Taste: Good hops, nice fruits, grapefruit. Light bitterness, pine. Nice.
- Bought: Craftbrew.ch, 330 ml, CHF 6.20
- Score: 3.6 (Aroma 7/10, Appearance 3/5, Taste 8/10, Palate 3/5, Overall 15/20)
- Info: 5/7-2019, BB: 10/2-2021
Old Hill Brewmaster Boar - Helles
New CH brewery:
- Name: Old Hill Brewmaster Boar - Helles, 4.5%, Switzerland
- Appearance: Light orange golden, slight haze. Some white head.
- Aroma: Light malt, slight grains, floral.
- Taste: Light malt, very light hops, earth, some grass, floral. Well balanced. Surprisingly nice.
- Bought: Craftbrew.ch, 330 ml, CHF 5.20
- Score: 3.6 (Aroma 7/10, Appearance 3/5, Taste 8/10, Palate 3/5, Overall 15/20)
- Info: 5/7-2019, BB: 18/10-2019
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