- Name: Mikkeller American Dream, 4.6%, Denmark
- Appearance: Light orange golden, clear and bubbly. Some off-white head.
- Aroma: Hops, resins, light fruits.
- Taste: Clear hops, some light fruits, pilsner in there. Pine. Bitterness in aftertaste. Dry.
- Bought: Drinks of the World (Bern), 330 ml, CHF 5.70
- Score: 3.4 (Aroma 7/10, Appearance 3/5, Taste 7/10, Palate 3/5, Overall 14/20)
- Info: 31/10-2017, BB: 15/3-2018
Tuesday, 31 October 2017
Mikkeller American Dream
India Style Lager #10:
Saturday, 28 October 2017
Stigbergets Russian Imperial Stout
- Name: Stigbergets Russian Imperial Stout, 8.5%, Sweden
- Appearance: Very dark brown, near black. Tiny tan head.
- Aroma: Dark, ripe fruits, roasted, dark malt.
- Taste: Dark malt, roasted, burnt, dark chocolate. Dark fruits. Spritzy.
- Bought: Upper Glass (Heidelberg), 330 ml, €5.07
- Score: 3.7 (Aroma 8/10, Appearance 3/5, Taste 8/10, Palate 3/5, Overall 15/20)
- Info: 28/10-2017, BB: 30/11-2019
Omnipollo Bianca Mango Lassi Gose 3.5%
- Name: Omnipollo Bianca Mango Lassi Gose 3.5%, 3.5%, Sweden
- Appearance: Very hazy yellow, lots of sediments/bits at the bottom of the bottle. Fizzy white head.
- Aroma: Lots of exotic fruits, mango, slight lime.
- Taste: Exotic fruits, lime and some tartness, slight saltiness. Interesting.
- Bought: Craft Gallery (Bern), 330 ml, CHF 8.90
- Score: 3.4 (Aroma 7/10, Appearance 3/5, Taste 7/10, Palate 3/5, Overall 14/20)
- Info: 28/10-2017, BB: 20/4-2018
Friday, 27 October 2017
La Nébuleuse Thank you Brew
- Name: La Nébuleuse Thank you Brew, 8.0%, Switzerland
- Appearance: Very dark brown, seemingly clear, small tan head.
- Aroma: Dark malt, roasted, milk stout-y.
- Taste: Dark malt, bitter chocolate, roasted. Tart? Lacking balance.
- Bought: Halle aux Boissons (Matran), 330 ml, CHF 3.95
- Score: 3.3 (Aroma 7/10, Appearance 3/5, Taste 7/10, Palate 3/5, Overall 13/20)
- Info: 27/10-2017, BB: 31/1-2018
Stigbergets West Coast IPA
- Name: Stigbergets West Coast IPA, 6.5%, Sweden
- Appearance: Yellow orange, very hazy. Good amount of creamy white head.
- Aroma: Tropical fruits, good hops.
- Taste: Good hops, lots of light/exotic fruits, nice lingering bitterness.
- Bought: Foodist.ch, 330 ml, CHF 6.95
- Score: 3.8 (Aroma 8/10, Appearance 3/5, Taste 8/10, Palate 3/5, Overall 16/20)
- Info: 27/10-2017, BB: 3/11-2017
Freiburger Biermanufaktur Ma Biche
- Name: Freiburger Biermanufaktur Ma Biche, 5%, Switzerland
- Appearance: Pale light orange, slightly hazy. Quite flat.
- Aroma: Light tart fruits, citrus, some wheat.
- Taste: Wheat, light tart fruits, lemon. Not good.
- Bought: Gift from Vincent R - thanks!, 330 ml
- Score: 2.5 (Aroma 5/10, Appearance 3/5, Taste 5/10, Palate 2/5, Overall 10/20)
- Info: 27/10-2017, BB: 3/1-2018
Sunday, 22 October 2017
Cerveses Alpha La Dama Blanca
Ratebeer country #164:
- Name: Cerveses Alpha La Dama Blanca, 5.1%, Andorra
- Appearance: Yellow golden, slightly hazy. Some white head.
- Aroma: Light fruits, slight malt and hops.
- Taste: Light malt, light fruits, spices, citrus. Slight hops. Ok.
- Bought: Trade with MarkoNm - thanks!, 330 ml
- Score: 2.5 (Aroma 5/10, Appearance 2/5, Taste 5/10, Palate 3/5, Overall 10/20)
- Info: 22/10-2017, BB: 6/8-2017
Banjul Jul Brew Export
Gambia #2:
- Name: Banjul Jul Brew Export, 5.5%, Gambia
- Appearance: Clear golden, bubbles. Lots of white head.
- Aroma: Slight malt, grains.
- Taste: Cheap malt, light grains, sweetness. Not hideous.
- Bought: Trade with nilsas - thanks!, 330 ml
- Score: 2.2 (Aroma 4/10, Appearance 2/5, Taste 5/10, Palate 2/5, Overall 9/20)
- Info: 22/10-2017, BB: 12/4-2018
Saturday, 21 October 2017
De Prael Scotch Ale
- Name: De Prael Scotch Ale, 7.7%, Netherlands
- Appearance: Orange, some light brown. Slightly hazy. Good amount of white head.
- Aroma: Good amount of fruits, light malt.
- Taste: Lots of fruits, slight bitterness. Medicinal. Not great.
- Bought: Marqt (The Hague), 330 ml, €2.79
- Score: 3.0 (Aroma 6/10, Appearance 3/5, Taste 6/10, Palate 3/5, Overall 12/20)
- Info: 21/10-2017, BB: 30/4-2018
Kees / Cloudwater Raspberry Cream Ale
- Name: Kees / Cloudwater Raspberry Cream Ale, 6.5%, Netherlands
- Appearance: Hazy light red, huge amount of white long lasting head.
- Aroma: Raspberry, light fruits. Slight tartness.
- Taste: Raspberry, berries, slight tartness. Slight bitterness in aftertaste.
- Bought: Den Gouwen Aar (Gouda), 330 ml, €3.25
- Score: 3.4 (Aroma 7/10, Appearance 3/5, Taste 7/10, Palate 3/5, Overall 14/20)
- Info: 21/10-2017, BB: 31/5-2018
Friday, 20 October 2017
Omnipollo Noa Pecan Mud Cake
New brewery:
- Name: Omnipollo Noa Pecan Mud Cake, 11%, Sweden
- Appearance: Very dark brown, near black. Very small dark tan head.
- Aroma: Dark malt, pecan, cake, sweet. Vanilla.
- Taste: Dark malt, slight roast, pecan, cake, vanilla, pretty sweet. Like a liquid cake.
- Bought: Trade with Nisse666 - thanks!, 330 ml
- Score: 4.1 (Aroma 8/10, Appearance 4/5, Taste 8/10, Palate 4/5, Overall 17/20)
- Info: 20/10-2017, BB: 12/4-2021
Birra Prishtina Lager
Kosovo #2, new brewery:
- Name: Birra Prishtina Lager, 4.2%, Kosovo
- Appearance: Light golden, clear, fizzy. Some fizzy white head.
- Aroma: Light malt, slight grains.
- Taste: Light malt, some grains, slight sweetness and cereals. Refreshing, though.
- Bought: Coop (Switzerland), 330 ml, CHF 1.25
- Score: 2.2 (Aroma 4/10, Appearance 2/5, Taste 5/10, Palate 2/5, Overall 9/20)
- Info: 20/10-2017, BB: 4/4-2018
Saturday, 14 October 2017
't IJ Natte
- Name: 't IJ Natte, 6.5%, Netherlands
- Appearance: Very dark reddish brown. Seems clear. Some off-white head.
- Aroma: Dark fruits, some malt, sweetness.
- Taste: Light malt, lots of dark fruits. Caramel sweetness. Odd. Dubbel?
- Bought: Ekoplaza (The Hague), 330 ml, €1.99
- Score: 3.0 (Aroma 6/10, Appearance 3/5, Taste 6/10, Palate 3/5, Overall 12/20)
- Info: 14/10-2017, BB: 31/1-2018
Two Chefs Green Bullet
New brewery:
- Name: Two Chefs Green Bullet, 5.7%, Netherlands
- Appearance: Orange dark golden, hazy. Good amount of creamy white head.
- Aroma: Citrus fruits, some hops.
- Taste: Light hops, light pine, light fruits. Low bitterness in aftertaste.
- Bought: Marqt (The Hague), 330 ml, €2.29
- Score: 3.3 (Aroma 7/10, Appearance 3/5, Taste 7/10, Palate 3/5, Overall 13/20)
- Info: 14/10-2017, BB: 28/3-2018
Friday, 13 October 2017
Dugges / Hunter & Sons Sidamo Dimtu
- Name: Dugges / Hunter & Sons Sidamo Dimtu, 10.0%, Sweden
- Appearance: Very dark brown, near black. Slight tan head.
- Aroma: Dark malt, roasted, nice coffee.
- Taste: Very dark malt, roasted, burnt, coffee. Warming. Nice!
- Bought: Trade with Nisse666 - thanks!, 330 ml
- Score: 4.0 (Aroma 8/10, Appearance 4/5, Taste 8/10, Palate 4/5, Overall 16/20)
- Info: 13/10-2017, BB: 17/11-2020
De Leckere SpringHaver Lentebok
New brewery:
- Name: De Leckere SpringHaver Lentebok, 6.5%, Netherlands
- Appearance: Light golden orange, slightly hazy. Small white head.
- Aroma: Light malt, some fruits, herbs, light sweetness.
- Taste: Sweet, herbal, light fruits. Medicinal. Lacks balance.
- Bought: Ekoplaza (The Hague), 250 ml, €2.09
- Score: 2.9 (Aroma 6/10, Appearance 3/5, Taste 6/10, Palate 3/5, Overall 11/20)
- Info: 13/10-2017, BB: 28/2-2018
Sunday, 8 October 2017
Banjul Jul Brew
Ratebeer country #163:
- Name: Banjul Jul Brew, 4.7%, Gambia
- Appearance: Clear golden, some fizzy white head.
- Aroma: Not much. Slight grains, slight malt.
- Taste: Grains, cheap malt, more grains. Watery.
- Bought: Trade with nilsas - thanks!, 330 ml
- Score: 2.1 (Aroma 4/10, Appearance 2/5, Taste 4/10, Palate 2/5, Overall 9/20)
- Info: 8/10-2017, BB: 15/5-2018
Saturday, 7 October 2017
BarlindBeer Barcode Imperial Oatmeal Stout
New brewery:
- Name: BarlindBeer Barcode Imperial Oatmeal Stout, 8.3%, Sweden
- Appearance: Very dark brown, near black. Ok amount of tan head.
- Aroma: Dark malt, roasted, burnt.
- Taste: Very dark malt, roasted, coffee, burnt. Nice, could have more complexity, though.
- Bought: Trade with Nisse666 - thanks!, 330 ml
- Score: 3.6 (Aroma 7/10, Appearance 3/5, Taste 8/10, Palate 3/5, Overall 15/20)
- Info: 7/10-2017, BB: 15/12-2018
Poppels Modern Lager
India Style Lager #9:
- Name: Poppels Modern Lager, 5.3%, Sweden
- Appearance: Dark orange, some golden. Clear. Big, white head.
- Aroma: Slight malt, vegetables, very slight hops.
- Taste: Light malts, bread, some light fruits. Low bitterness.
- Bought: Trade with Nisse666 - thanks!, 330 ml
- Score: 2.7 (Aroma 6/10, Appearance 3/5, Taste 5/10, Palate 3/5, Overall 10/20)
- Info: 7/10-2017, BB: 17/3-2018
Friday, 6 October 2017
Närke Tanngnjost & Tanngrisnir XXX (9.5%)
Sahti/Gotlandsdricke/Koduõlu #6:
- Name: Närke Tanngnjost & Tanngrisnir XXX (9.5%), 9.5%, Sweden
- Appearance: Dark brown, red hue. Clear. Some off-white head.
- Aroma: Fruits, berries, forest. Juniper.
- Taste: Dark fruits, berries, forest. Light sweetness, smoky wood. Interesting.
- Bought: Trade with Nisse666 - thanks!, 500 ml
- Score: 3.4 (Aroma 7/10, Appearance 3/5, Taste 7/10, Palate 3/5, Overall 14/20)
- Info: 6/10-2017, BB: 31/12-2017
Hoppy People Psychobilly Black
New CH brewery:
- Name: Hoppy People Psychobilly Black, 8.5%, Switzerland
- Appearance: Very dark brown, huge amount of thick, creamy dark tan head.
- Aroma: Roasted, quite dark malt, hops. Slight coffee.
- Taste: Dark malt, nice clear bitterness, roasted, hint of coffee. Bitter aftertaste.
- Bought: Halle aux Boissons (Matran), 330 ml, CHF 3.70
- Score: 3.6 (Aroma 7/10, Appearance 3/5, Taste 8/10, Palate 3/5, Overall 15/20)
- Info: 6/10-2017, BB: 21/12-2017
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